domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009


CABARET (1972)

SINOPSE: Berlim no início da década de 30. O nazismo fazia sua ascensão meteórica, mas a grande maioria das pessoas ainda não tinha noção do terrível poder que aquela força política se transformaria. Sally Bowles (Liza Minnelli), uma jovem americana que canta em um cabaré e sonha em ser tornar uma estrela, se apaixona por Brian Roberts (Michael York), que é bissexual. Ambos se envolvem com Maximillian von Heune (Helmut Griem), um rico e nobre alemão. Quando Sally fica grávida, Brian diz que quer casar e declara não se importar de quem seja o filho. Mas o futuro lhes reserva outro destino.

Cena: Mein Herr
Intérprete: Liza Minnalli

You have to understand the way I am, mein herr.
A tiger is a tiger, not a lamb, mein herr.
You'll never turn the vinegar to jam, mein herr.
So I do, what I do. When I'm through, then I'm through.
And I'm through, toodle oo.

Bye bye mein lieber herr, farewell mein lieber herr.
It was a fine affair, but now it's over.
And though I used to care, I need the open air.
You're better off without me mein herr.

Don't dab your eye, mein herr, or wonder why mein herr.
I've always said that I was a rover.
You mustn't knit your brow.
You should have known by now, You'd every cause to doubt me mein herr.

The continent of Europe is so wide, mein herr.
Not only up and down, but side to side, mein herr.
I couldn't ever cross it if I tried, mein herr.
But I do what I can, inch by inch, step by step, mile by mile.
Man by man.

Bye bye mein herr.
Bye bye mein lieber herr.
Auf wiedersen, mein herr.
Es war sehr gut, mein herr, und vor bei.
Du kennst mich wohl, mein herr.
Ach, lebe wohl, mein herr.
Du sollst mich nie mehr sehen mein herr.

Bye bye mein lieber herr.
Farewell mein lieber herr.It was a fine affair, but now it's over.
And though I used to care, I need the open air.
You're better off without me.
You'll get on without me, mein herr.

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